Saturday, May 07, 2005

Forgot to say...

I almost crashed a scooter today!!! I was looking for the clutch and trying to change down gear but they have no clutch and they have a seperate pedal for changing down! I was trying to slow down and was pressing hard on the breaks so I didn't go over the edge of a washout. Eventually went into a skid and the guy riding on the back just jumped off! It was a real good laugh!

Tech problems!!

Hopefully I can get a few more images up thanks to my IT team in NZ (Thanks Heaps Rayna).

Today I went by scooter into a village where they have had no support yet. In some places the sea has claimed 800-1000m of shore line. The road is completly washed out and we had to ferry over parts of the river. The rest of the way we rode or pushed the bike through the water and mud.

Most of the people around here are living in tents or in Mosque. Fairly big towns have simply been wiped out with nothing standing. The land here is completly flat so any one who survived had to cling to coconut palms. It's amazing that 2-3 story concrete buildings are flatened and nothing is left but foundations but the coconut palms are still standing!

Didn't feel so well today I think I am still suffering from something I ate but felt better once I started work.

Oh well see you all soon



Meulaboh camp

Meulaboh camp
Originally uploaded by Cameron Burnell.

The people here lived in rented houses on this land before the
Tsunami, the landlord has given them 2 months to find somewhere else.
The man in the background is digging an open sewer.